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Ouachita Stories

Rose Robinson

Dr. Tim and Coach Todd Knight

From the "Ouachitonian": Dr. Tim and Coach Todd Knight

October 17, 2022

Ouachita’s favorite set of faculty football brothers – Head Football Coach Todd Knight and Dr. Tim Knight, dean of the J.D. Patterson School of Natural Sciences – continue to make a lasting impact on campus. As Coach Knight led his team to wins on the football field year after year, Dr. Knight experienced his victories in the classroom. This purple-and-gold bleeding set of brothers truly make Ouachita a better place. Coach Knight keeps Ouachita’s successful football program on the map as his brother is the face behind the entire Jones Science Center operation. These two brothers are special assets to Ouachita, and Ouachita wouldn’t be the same without the Knight family.

Noah Barker

From the "Ouachitonian": Noah Barker

October 17, 2022

Riding in ambulances, answering calls from patients in desperate need and starting his day off at the crack of dawn each morning describes a small part of Noah Barker’s fast paced job as an EMT.



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